The San Marco Altarpiece

Madonna and Saints was created by Fra Angelico around the year 1440 approximately.  It was a work that Cosimo de’ Medici commissioned Angelico to create for The Medici Family.  Madonna and Saints is also referred to as the San Marco Altarpiece.  It displays saints surrounding the Virgin Mary sitting upon a throne while holding Jesus Christ as a child.  There is also a small image of Jesus Christ as an adult crucified with two people at the base of the cross looking up to him.  The painting is one of the more well-known works by Angelico and of that era.  The imagery in Angelico’s Altarpiece is powerful and full of intense religious themes.  I am drawn to the image of Mary holding her child and find the entire work very visually attractive because of its layout and color selection.  Its strong religious themes, symmetry and the perception of depth made it a popular piece of its time and a powerful addition to the church and monastery that the Medici family renovated.  The art is in the form of a tempera on wood and resides in Florence, Italy.

One thought on “The San Marco Altarpiece

  1. I love this painting too! what lovely color choices. You give all the factual informtion, so that is helpful. You did explain what you liked about the painting pretty well, for example telling us what you are drawn to and telling us that you like the color selection. but maybe you could have told us what the painting meant to you or wht the artist is trying to get across to the viewers. You did connect it to the medici family of the Renaissance. as well as gave some work cied pages.

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